Pictures of Luca's Olivetti M20
Luca has found in 2023 a nice 1982 M20 BC in Spain.
Luca's M20 is an early ST (Scientific Technical) model, with a single disk (presumably a 320 KiB model).
A view of the motherboard under the disk drive.
The keyboard sports a date: November 18, 1982.
The disk drive installed on the supporting bracket.
P1000 was the internal name of the M20 project, hence the name on the motherboard.
The disk drive mechanism, with the motor equipped with a stroboscope wheel to set up the speed.
Luca's M20 is a Spanish model.
Luca found an outdated (2006) CDROM of an antivirus inside of the disk drive!
The disk drive fascia, with the hole in the second drive.
Luca's model sports a nice rev. D motherboard.
The 128KiB installed on the motherboard.
The disk drive bracket installed on top of the motherboard.
The identification target, with the serial number.
Page log:
- October 6, 2023: first version of the page.
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