M20 Olivetti M20

Internals of Matteo's M20 Color

Matteo's Olivetti M20 DES

The mainboardThe "rev. D" mainboard.

The mainboardAnother sight of the "rev. D" mainboard. Note the Z8001 at the right end, made by SGS-ATES microelettronica (now ST Microelectronics).

A 32KiB color expansion An original Olivetti 32KiB color memory expansion.

KeyboardThe (clean!) switch matrix under the keys of the keyboard.

Inside the color monitorInside the (rare) color monitor.

Inside the color monitorAnother sight of the inside of the color monitor. The CRT tube was provided by NEC.

Inside the color monitorInside the color monitor.

The color monitorThe color monitor.

Copying filesThe system while copying files.

Printer cableThe printer cable.

The Z8001 made by SGSZ8001, made by SGS-ATES microelettronica (now ST Microelectronics). This detail is interesting because this processor was made in Italy by SGS by license from Zilog.

The Z8001 made by SGSZ8001, made by SGS-ATES microelettronica (now ST Microelectronics).

The Z8001 made by SGSZ8001, made by SGS-ATES microelettronica (now ST Microelectronics).

M20 lineart decoration


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