Hack the M20

- Building an APB 8086 clone for the M20 in 2024
- Scott Baker's YouTube Channel
- Jumper settings for the Olivetti M20
- The Olivetti M20 schematics
- The black and white video cable connection by Davide Bucci
- An 8 bit ISA to M20 converter by Davide Bucci and Christian Groessler
- Modifying RAM expansion cards by Dwight Elvey
- Making a 384KiB memory expansion, part I by Davide Bucci
- Making a 384KiB memory expansion, part II by Davide Bucci
- Configure the mainboard for 128KiB expansion cards, by Davide Bucci, Dwight K. Elvey and Andreas Senk
- Description of the M20 RAM mapping by Dwight Elvey
- Connecting a hard disk to the M20 by Dwight Elvey
- 128kB RAM B/W expansion schematics
- Using an Olivetti DSM1219 monitor on the M20 by Carlo Merlano
- The M20 firmware by Davide Bucci
Page log
- Oct. 6, 2024, Changed the title of the M20 firmware page (was Description of the M20 bootstrap procedure).
- Feb. 12, 2024, Added article about the APB 8086 clone.
- Jul. 26, 2023, Added page about jumper configuration.
- Jul. 24, 2023, Added the links to high resolution scan of the schematics.
- 2005-2007 First versions of the page.
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