The Olivetti M20 has appeared in various advertisements in computer magazines, some of which published detailed reviews of this machine. If you own something not listed here (or if you spot something that should not be here), please consider contacting the webmaster (remove capital letters in the email address).

- Captain Zilog no.1 an advertisement comic about the Z8001 processor, from this source.
- Articles by Davide Bucci in Retromagazine 2 and 3.
- Various articles on Micro&Personal computer about the M20
- Various advertisements in the period 1982-1984
- June 1983 Byte Review, by Sergio Mello-Grand (pdf) Taken from Chris Groessler's FTP archive
- Preview of the M20 in MCmicrocomputer 8
- Review of ABC Personal Computer
- Olivetti brochure in Italian describing the M20 system
- Review of the M20 system (pdf), from Jurassic news. Our site is cited in the text!
- Review from the Bit magazine of the Olivetti M20. Many thanks to Carlo.
Page log
- October 25, 2023 - Added Captain Zilog magazine.
- December 24, 2022 - Added Retromagazine World articles.
- 2005-2008 Creation and growth of the page.
Olivetti is a registered trademark of Telecom Italia. This site is not related to Olivetti nor to Telecom Italia. The material presented is meant for personal use only and is shared in a "fair use" spirit. If you own the copyright of some of the stuff presented here and you think it should be removed, please contact the webmaster.