Here you will find all articles and informations I found related to this computer, schematics, software, and add-on cards made by me.
Now this kit is obsolete, but it's very interesting for technical solutions used, and also because it was helpful in teaching alot of technicians that, like me, spent many hours in assembling and programming this beautiful computer.
I'm always searching for informations, hardware, software, third party add-ons and everything else related to this computer: if you have any information or question don't hesitate to email me.
A particular thank you goes to Nuova Elettronica magazine that gave me permission to make this site.
22/12/2024 |
Fixed few corrupted links in various site sections |
25/11/2024 |
Fixed a bug that crashed the multi-firmware monitor function F "conversione floppy" (now at version 1.8).
Changed the multi-firmware monitor function C "prova tastiera". Now it uses both videos LX.388 and LX.529 and manages BREAK keys. In the add-on and researches section |
22/11/2024 |
Changed function D of the multi-firmware monitor menù (now at version 1.7) that makes a jump to an input address. Now it asks for the bank number of the multi-firmware eprom that will be selected before making the jump. In the add-on and researches section
Added gerber files of the LX.683 hard-disk interface in the printed circuit boards section (thanks to Claudio Arnaboldi) |
21/11/2024 |
Added MONITOR AG3 card and related disassembler program in the add-on and researches section
Added disassembler program to the multi-firmware monitor (now at version 1.6) in the add-on and researches section
Added assembler source of 16 Kbytes basic in the software section (thanks to Paolo Carrer) |
20/11/2024 |
Added Microsoft Basic AG4 card in the add-on and researches section
Added Microsoft Basic AG4 to the multi-firmware monitor (now at version 1.5), and changed the function that restarts at 0000h with a jump to an input address, in the add-on and researches section |
08/11/2024 |
Changed display of all images on this website: now they are automatically sized, zoomable using mouse wheel and moveable on screen. Also, by clicking with the center mouse button (the wheel), the image returns to its initial size and position |
07/11/2024 |
Added software library in the section dedicated to Olivetti P6060, containing dumps of 143 floppy disk for Olivetti P6060/P6066 |
06/11/2024 |
Published new version of multi-firmware monitor (version 1.4) in the add-on and researches section |
21/10/2024 |
Added link to Andrea Barbadoro Google Drive disk in the add-on and researches section |
17/10/2024 |
Added news links to the Links section
Added new release of "Catweasel Floppy Read/Write Tools" in the software section |
16/10/2024 |
Added EPROM EMULATOR project in the add-on and researches section (thanks to Andrea Barbadoro and Paolo Carrer) |
15/10/2019 |
Added GERBER files of LX.380, LX.381b, LX.382, LX.383 and LX.384 cards in the printed circuit boards section (thanks to Andrea Genovese) |
05/06/2019 |
Added PS2 keyboard interface version 3.3.1 in the add-on and researches section (thanks to Pino Giaquinto) |
03/06/2019 |
Added GERBER files and Kikad project of MicroDesign version of the LX.381 BUS, with terminated and shielded lines, in the printed circuit boards section (thanks to Salvatore Besso)
Updated GERBER files and added Kikad project of eprom programmer LX.394-LX.395 daughter cards in the printed circuits boards section (thanks to Salvatore Besso) |
07/01/2019 |
Added listing with remarks of the 382 eprom in the software section (thanks to Antonio Giuliana) |
04/12/2018 |
Added modified 382 eprom to be used with the LX.388 video card and alphanumeric keyboard in the add-on and researches section (thanks to Sergio Internicola) |
22/11/2018 |
Added GERBER files of LX.390 card, LX.529 card, 56K ram card and multi-firmware card in the printed circuit boards section (thanks to Paolo Pinto and Pino Giaquinto) |
19/11/2018 |
Due to a typo made around 40 years ago (!!!) the eprom 382 had a bug (the byte at address 0345h must be CDh, and not C0h). All dumps of this eprom on this site have been corrected.
Updated multi-firmware card eprom in the add-on and researches section. Now the firmware works with any combination of LX.388, LX.529 or LX.384 card. |
11/10/2018 |
Updated MicroLG bullettins of year 1983 numbers 1, 3, 4, 6 that had missing pages in the articles section (thanks to Salvatore) |
09/10/2018 |
Added a note to ram configuration in the configurations section |
08/10/2018 |
Added GERBER files of LX.382 card by Paolo Pinto in the printed circuit boards section |
18/05/2018 |
Corrected LX.529 video graphic card schematics in the hardware and schematics sections (thanks to Paolo Pinto for pointing out) |
15/05/2018 |
Added hand-made listings by Biagio Paribello related to eprom 382, 390 and 394 in the add-on and researches section |
10/03/2018 |
Added 113 new floppy disks of Constantinos Haritakis disk library, Nuova Elettronica collaborator, in the software section
Added Piergiorgio Betti article about how to interface the Z80 and a PC in the add-on and researches section |
05/03/2018 |
Added description of floppy disk formats used by eprom 390 and NE-DOS in the add-on and researches section |
01/03/2018 |
Added printed circuit boards in the printed circuit boards section
Added cover for 12" monitor and metallic case in the hardware section |
26/02/2018 |
Changed section printed circuit boards
Moved "Related projects" section into add-on and researches section |
12/12/2017 |
Added assembler listings related to S.O.N.E. in the add-on and researches section |
07/11/2017 |
Added missing MicroLG bullettins from November 1983 to April 1985 and September-October 1985 in the articles section (thanks to Vairo Risoldi) |
01/11/2017 |
Added print of basic language tutorials on floppy published on magazines 81, 89 and 101-102 (lessons 8, 9, and from 21 to 50 are missing) in the articles section. Thanks to Constantinos Haritakis |
30/10/2017 |
Added article about how to expand ram up to 60 Kbytes in the add-on and researches section (thanks to Piergiorgio Betti) |
29/10/2017 |
Added rack case and desk in the hardware section
Added alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 printed circuit board in the hardware section (thanks to Piero Andreini)
Added eprom patch for video-graphic interface LX.529 in thesection (thanks to Pino Giaquinto and Piergiorgio Betti) |
24/10/2017 |
Added hard-disk controller Xebec S1410A owner's manual in the datasheet section |
23/10/2017 |
Added computer replica made by Paolo Pinto in the add-on and researches section |
15/10/2017 |
Added the new printed circuit boards section, where you can find gerber files to make printed cirtuit boards replicas, made by Andrea Genovese |
11/10/2017 |
Opening of a new Facebook page with related group. Everyone is invited. Join us!!! |
24/09/2017 |
Added printed circuits scans in the hardware section |
09/01/2017 |
Added photos of Davide Pasqualini computer in the photo section |
18/03/2015 |
Added new Micro LG bulletins (from year II number 1 to year III number 10) in the articles section
Added manual "Product Specifications" for Tandon TM-100 disk drive in the datasheets section |
13/03/2015 |
Added new Micro LG bulletins (from year I number 8 to year I number 12) in the articles section
Removed "Market" section |
18/01/2012 |
Added a method to recreate floppy disk from images in the software section
Added 30 floppy disk software images in the software section |
26/10/2011 |
Added printed circuits photos of boards LX.381, LX.381/B, LX.382, LX.383, LX.384, LX.385, LX.386, LX.389, LX.394, LX.395, LX.529, LX.548 and LX.683 in the hardware section. Photos by Luigi Serrantoni |
17/03/2011 |
Added 56k static memory expansion project in EDWIN format in the add-on and researches section
Added multi-firmware eprom card project in EDWIN format in the add-on and researches section |
11/03/2011 |
Added 56k static memory expansion pcb layout in the add-on and researches section |
26/01/2011 |
Fixed mistake in the description of the reset circuit of the floppy-disk card in the hardware section
Changed a remark into the file monitor3.asm in the add-on and researches section |
24/10/2010 |
Added Micro-Lg year I numbers 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 bullettins in the articles section. A particular thanks to Vairo Risoldi that scanned the original bullettins |
07/10/2010 |
Added Micro-Lg year I numbers 1 and 2 bullettins in the articles section. A particular thanks to Vairo Risoldi that scanned the original bullettins
Added an advertising appeared on Bit magazine in the articles section
Added other photos of Pino Giaquinto computer in the photo section |
09/04/2010 |
Added PS/2 keyboard interface in the add-on and researches section |
30/01/2010 |
Added Micro-Lg year VI number 9-10 bullettin in the articles section |
07/01/2010 |
Added other photos of Pino Giaquinto computer in the photo section |
01/01/2010 |
Added some suggestions included to the LX.392 dynamic ram expansion kit in the articles section
Added some photos of the LX.392 dynamic ram expansion in the hardware section |
27/12/2009 |
Added hard-disk interface photos in the hardware section and in the add-on and researches section
Added hard-disk photos in the restoration photo report sub-section |
10/12/2009 |
Made an updated version of the multi-firmware monitor to fix a compatibility problem between hexadecimal monitors that use relocated stack and the eprom programmer, in the add-on and researches section |
29/10/2009 |
Added two floppy disk software images in the software section |
22/04/2009 |
Added tape programs in the software section |
06/02/2009 |
Added details to the tape interface description in the hardware section |
28/01/2009 |
Found a Trendcom 200 thermal printer and added photos in the hardware section |
26/01/2009 |
Added Basf 6188 hard-disk manual in the datasheets section |
20/01/2009 |
Renamed the add-on section into add-on and researches
Discovered informations about the hard-disk: they are in the hardware and add-on and researches section
Added informations related to SONE floppy-disk format in the add-on and researches section |
25/11/2008 |
Added photos of Pino Giaquinto computer in the photo section |
17/09/2008 |
Added Micro-Lg year VI number 7-8 bullettin in the articles section
Added Micro-Lg year unknown bullettin in the articles section
Added Micro-Lg price list March 1986 in the articles section |
18/04/2008 |
Added a detailed table with all files contained in the multi-firmware eprom, in the add-ons section |
17/04/2008 |
Made a new version of the multi-firmware monitor with an added option to use eprom 382 original monitor for the hexadecimal keyboard relocated at F000h. Also the eprom programmer firmware has beed added to all available monitors. You can find it in the add-ons section. Old multi-firmware version has beed removed |
12/04/2008 |
Big news: recovered editor/assembler for video graphic card LX.529, and three other programs never released. Programs were on the NE-DOS version G.1.0 original floppy as deleted files, and I undeleted them using a Tandy TRS-80 emulator. You can find them in the software section |
11/04/2008 |
English version of the site is now available |
08/04/2008 |
Changed datasheet of MC6847 with a more complete version in the datasheets section |
03/04/2008 |
Added images of original Nuova Elettronica floppy about NE-DOS 2.1 and NE-DOS G.1 in the software section |
20/03/2008 |
Added Tandon TM-100 drive user manual in the datasheets section |
18/03/2008 |
Added Claudio Pasquini computer photos in the photos section |
24/12/2007 |
Added image of Editor Assembler/Disassembler floppy in the software section |
06/08/2007 |
Added Micro-Lg year V number 5-6 bullettin in the articles section |
20/06/2007 |
Added Micro-Lg year V number 11-12 in the articles section |
25/05/2007 |
Added new section other computers |
03/05/2007 |
Added a recent article published on number 9 of Jurassic News online magazine in the articles section |
25/02/2007 |
Added Micro-Lg year VI number 5-6 bullettin in the articles section |
26/12/2006 |
Added anonymous bullettin in the articles section |
10/12/2006 |
Added images of SONE operative system floppy in the software section |
01/12/2006 |
Added errata corrige about 15 MBytes hard-disk LX.683 in the articles section |
27/11/2006 |
Added new section add-ons |
23/11/2006 |
Added image of 5,5K basic floppy in the software section
Updated informations about how to recreate floppy disks from images |
22/11/2006 |
Added dump of eproms "390" and "683" in the software section to boot 5,5K basic on floppy and S.O.N.E., as explained in the hardware section |
21/11/2006 |
Added complemented dump of eproms "1390" and "2390" in the software section to be used with the floppy interface LX.390, as explained in the hardware section |
20/11/2006 |
Added photos of eprom programmer LX.394-395 in the hardware section |
20/11/2006 |
Added dump of eprom "394" for the eprom programmer LX.394-395 in the software section |
06/11/2006 |
Added Micro-Lg year VI number 3-4 bullettin in the articles section |
31/10/2006 |
Added manuale basic assembler più grafica in the articles section |
06/10/2006 |
Added new section "Related projects" and added Pietro De Luca computer project |
02/08/2006 |
Added Micro-Lg bullettins and various publications in the articles section
Added more photos in the photos section |
16/07/2006 |
Added datasheets about all components used in the computer in the datasheets section |
15/06/2006 |
Found an error in the exadecimal interface schematic, as detailed in the hardware section |
14/06/2006 |
Added Tandon TM-100 drive datasheet in the datasheets section |
13/06/2006 |
Corrected reset circuit description of the floppy disk interface in the hardware section
Added photo report about my computer restoration in the photos section |
10/06/2006 |
Added all missed schematics in the schematics section |
09/06/2006 |
Added new section configurations |
05/06/2006 |
Added some schematics in the schematics section |
04/06/2006 |
Added hexadecimal keyboard interface photos and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387-B photos in the hardware section |
02/06/2006 |
Corrected dump of eprom 548-5.BIN about 16 KBytes ROM basic (it was wrong)
Added manuale basic più dos in the
articles section |
28/05/2006 |
Added some missed photos in the hardware section
Added FD1771 floppy disk controller datasheet |
27/05/2006 |
Added magazines number 84-85, 86-87, 89, 95, 96, 98, 101-102 and 103 in the articles section
Added references to alphanumeric keyboard LX.387-B in the hardware section
Added description of numeric keyboard LX.549 and keyboard case in the hardware section
Added description of hard-disk interface LX.683 in the hardware section
Added autorepeat card LX.710 in the hardware section |
26/05/2006 |
Corrected references to basic 2.1+ ne-dos 1.5 and added references to basic 1.0 + ne-dos 1.0
Added table with bus signals in the hardware section
Added magazines number 81 and 82-83 in the articles section
Added command in the software section to recreate floppy images using a Catweasel MK4 interface |
25/05/2006 |
Added magazines number 79 and 80 in the articles section: 12" monitor and basic 2.1 and ne-dos 1.5 instructions |
24/05/2006 |
Corrected dump of eproms "382" and "1390" (a wrong version was uploaded)
Added new section "Market" |
23/05/2006 | opening |